Tuesday, January 17, 2012

my bucket list

Today, completely out of the blue, a good friend of mine asked me if I had a bucket list.
I didn't.
So he said we needed to get busy on making one.
I had never given it much thought really. It all seems a bit fatalistic ... these are the things I want to do before I DIE.
But after some thought....

1. I wanna get a tattoo. I want my children's birth month flowers (daisy, rose, carnation, and violet down my left side, from breast to hip)
2. I want to skydive (yeah I know its a cliché but I really want to do it)
3. I want to swim in the Pacific Ocean.
4. I want to travel though Europe. Back pack, rental car, train, bus.... I don't care. I would like to see the sights that are off the beaten path, not the same tourist shit that every one goes to see.
5. I want to run a marathon. It doesn't have to be one of the Big Name ones. Just a marathon. I want to be able to honestly say that I ran 26.2 miles, and I survived.
6. I want to love, and be loved, for forever.
7. I want to stand in each of the 50 states (and Puerto Rico :))
8. I want to learn how to make, and bottle, my own wine. Angels Vines is what I might call it.
9. I want to learn how to fly a helicopter (the Army wouldn't let me, apparently I'm too short for Army helicopters)
10. I want to go to culinary school. I love to cook, and why not try to make a career doing something I love?

hmmmm, what else...
I'm sure there are more things that I would like to do before I kick the bucket and I will add them to the list as I think of them

11. I want to learn how to sail
12. go scuba diving
13. white water rafting. the thought of it scares the hell out of me, but I think thats the fun of it

Tuesday, January 03, 2012


Hypothetical situation (kind of)

So lets say your significant other (we will say she just for shits and giggles) likes flowers.
She has pointed out that the simple $5 bouquets at the local Walmart are really nice. They are uncut and wrapped in cellophane, which is perfect for her seeing as how she loves to cut and arrange them herself.

You know that if, one day on a whim, you were to bring home one of these simple $5 bouquets of flowers it would make her happy. 
Not just happy, but ecstatic.
She would be happy, the whole house would be happy, and it would greatly increase your chances of getting laid that night.

Dontcha think that every now and then you might just stop at the WalMart (it is on your way home) and drop the 5 bucks for one of those simple bouquets. 

Not once.
Almost 12 years and 2 boys and not once did he buy flowers.
It really is the simple stuff that matters the most