Friday, September 14, 2007

Family Sucks

the life right out of you

Don't get me wrong, I love my family, I love them 1600 miles away.

My little brother is going through a divorce.
and it is ugly
They have 2 kids. A 3 year old boy and a 6 month old girl. beautiful children that I have not yet had the joy of meeting
they are going to ruin these children
they are constantly fighting and calling each other names.
she recently sent him a text that said he is useless to the children and he should give up trying for custody and just be the every-other-week-end-dad that he had in his life
i dont know what he said in return but I am sure it was not polite
i fear for these beautiful children
they are going to grow up thinking that they are bad because thier mom and dad are constantly slamming each other

it will not be pretty

Friday, September 07, 2007

been a while

Well now, my last post was almost a year ago.....

A lot has happened since then.

We are no longer in PA, we are now living in Jackpot, NV my hubbys home town.

Speaking of hubby, he is no longer in the Army.

We bought a house and I have a job.

We also have another child, he was born in February.