Thursday, September 07, 2006

What I know

My hometown paper,, has a blog called "mommy talk".
There is always some nifty little topic of conversation, that usually turns into a free-for-all of I'm a better mom than you. And I have come to the conclusion that I might just have all my ducks in a row when it comes to this parenting thing.
So here is the stuff I know:
  • I know that saying NO to my kids will not cause them to have low self esteem. I was told NO as a kid and I still know that I am a goddess.
  • I know that kids need boundaries and rules, and that what works for my daughter may not necessarily work for my sons.
  • I know that being a mom isn't easy, but if you just go with flow and pay attention to whats going on around you, you will make it through just fine.
  • I know that my kids are smart and well behaved when I am around.
  • I know that my kids act just as goofy, foolish, or nasty as the kids they are hanging out with when I am not around.
  • I know that my kids not having the same name brand clothing as their class mates does not mean that I don't love them as much as Janies mom loves her.
  • I know that chores and responsibilities are a good thing.
  • I know that a runny nose does not mean that my kids is dying from some disease that will wipe out his whole class if I send him to school.
  • I know that my kids do not brush their teath like they should.
  • I know my daughter feels akward because she is not boy crazy like some of her friends.
  • I know my oldest son will be a heartbreaker when he gets older.
  • I know that I have a better chance of getting the tree in my front yard to obey then of convincing my three year old to not run in the house.
  • I know that my older son is more likely to tell me whats bothering him if I am not looking at him when he talks.
  • Finally, I know that the list of things I do NOT know is much longer than this one, but I know that I will figure it out as we go along.

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