Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Woah DUDE!

A few months ago my friend Sonya was looking for crochet patterns on the web and she came across a blog she said I had to check out.
It was The Crochet Dude.
I checked it out and immediately decided that he was going on my favorites list. I look it up about every other day. He has some of THE coolest patterns, and he's so freakin' funny y'all.

My mom taught me how to crochet when I was 10, so I have been crocheting for about 20 years now (you can do the math as to how young I am). My husband calls it tying knots in string with sticks. There were a couple of years there where I did not do much because I was in the Army and stuff. But in all the years I have know how to crochet I have not got even a quarter of the skill that the Dude has. He designs his own stuff, I do most from patterns.

So it was the Dude who inspired me to do more. To learn new things. I'm dying to felt something, anything. I can't wait to get my hands on a hairpin lace loom. I even taught myself how to knit (my first attept at knitting ended up with me so frustrated I threw the knitting needles across the room, my mother then promptly confiscated them for fear that my first foray into knitting would end tragically with a manslaughter conviction). No frustration this time though! I took it slow and figured it out, at least the knit and purl stitch. I have ordered The Knitters Bible, and I can't wait for it to get here.

Anyway, today I posted pictures of some of the projects I finished this past year.
And guess what...guess who commented on my photos?!
None other than the Dude himself. He said my stuff looked fantastic.
WOOHOO!!!! I immediately got on the phone and called Sonya. I was all sorts of happy and giggely. She laughed at me but said she understood my excitement (thank God for crazy friends!).

And now I must go and work on another project. I'm knitting a simple poncho. I don't like fringe though so I think I will do a reverse single crochet around both the bottom edge and the neckline...

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