Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I work
I have a job outside of the home that buys groceries for my family and helps pay a bill or two.
I like working.....no, that's not quite right, I love working.
I like being a part of a team, I enjoy feeling useful
What I like most about my job is that it's important
Yeah there are a lot of people who hate the very sight of me
What I do forces them to remember a tragic, horrible, day in our nations history. I make them nervous, hell, I make 'em take off their shoes in public, that's uncomfortable and gross.
Many people are polite, some are nice and appreciative and thank me for what I do.
Others hate me, I have been called names (thief, liar, pervert, asshole, even pedophile)
I don't care about the hate, or the names, I interact with those people for maybe 3minutes out of my day. It doesn't hurt my feelings, it doesn't make me rethink my priorities, or my job, or even my politics.

What hurts me is the way I am treated by those that I work with.
I can't say those that I work for, because those that are above me in the hierarchy aren't my actual employers, its this nation that employs me.
I'm treated as less than the next person.
See, I only work part time and in the last six months or so I have been told, repeatedly (and in a much more tactful way than what I am writing) that I am just there as a filler.
I am only there to fill in the spaces between the more important, that is full time, employees.
I got the same training.
I do the same job.
(in many cases I do the job better, yeah tootin' my own horn, you sayin' you wouldn't?)
I have the same responsibilities, and I can suffer the same consequences as the full time employees if I don't meet those responsibilities.
I have been recognized for high performance, yet I am still just a filler.
I have had people above me in the "chain" ask me questions about equipment we use because I have taken my own time to research it, to make myself more knowledgeable. But I am just a filler.
It saddens me to sit here at home and be disheartened at the very thought of having to go to work.
I used to love going to work.
I get to work and I don't want to go out and do the job, and it's not the job itself, its those I work with.

So now I am left to either just deal with it, accept that I am just half of what the guy next to me is, or look for something else.

I'm looking

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