Tuesday, May 02, 2006


my how quickly things change
not too long ago I had to remind my kids regularly to wash their dirty hands
now they fight over who gets into the shower
gone are the days when I had to wrestle with bratgurl to get her hair out of her face
i no longer have to beg brat boy to get a hair cut that he can actually style
we now have three different forms of styling product in the kids bathroom, and my two older kids are really looking good

maybe too good.........today bratgurl (only a fourth grader) came home and told me that at an all school assembly today a sixth grader asked her out
she actually said axed me out, but i got her gist
she's only 10!!!!!!!!!!
man alive, its starting already

the good thing is, that she was grossed out by the thought
smart gurl! done mamma proud

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