5 years ago today we were at Fort Stewart, GA.
We lived and worked on post. My husband was with the 26th Forward Support Battalion, I worked at the One Hour Photo at the PX.
Got up that morning and got ready for work, got the kids up and fed them and got them ready for the day.
I walked Abby to school, and took Mike to Mary, our temporary sitter. Danielle was on vacation in California. Then I went to work.
Elizabeth, my friend and co-worker, and I got all the equipment set up the sat in the back office to shoot the breeze. Elizabeth was sitting on a stool, I was sitting at the desk with my feet up when th ephone rang.
It was Mary. She had just seen on the news that the first tower had been hit. She said she had to call her mom, and asked if she should send Mikey to pre-k. I said yes.
Elizabeth and I went into the PX and watched it all happen on the TV.
She and I both wanted to call our husbands, but we knew that all the lines would be busy. After a while I sent Elizabeth home, she was worried about her son who was in daycare off post.
Finally my husband called me and asked me to call his dad.
I had to go home to get my address book and when I walked into the house I turned on the TV just in time to see someone jumping from the Tower. I turned it off crying, got my address book and went back to work.
I called my hubbys dad and told him that everything where we were was OK and that we would call him as soon as we knew anything. Then I called my mom.
Mom was worried and said that she felt the kids and I would be safer if we were there with her. I pointed out the fact that they had hit civilian targets, not military, and we were probably safer than she was.
When I went to pick up Abby from school she was crying. The teacher said she did not know what was wrong, but that they did not tell the kids what had happened, I think that she just knew something bad had happened that day.
I closed the shop that day at 4:30. We had made only $14.01. I had sold two passport photos that were going to be used for college reunion pictures.
We tried not to watch the news, so as to not scare the kids, but it was everywhere. I had to tell the kids that bad men stole our planes and crashed them into buildings because they wanted to hurt America. They didn't understand.
We had armed soldiers in full battle gear at the schools and the PX the next day.
Again Mary asked if she should send Mikey to school, and I told her yes. It's just another day.
She was to frightened to send her daughter to school, so she kept her home.
I refused to show my fear. Especially in front of my kids.
Last night I watched the brain dead TV on Fox and taped the 9/11 documentary done by the french brothers. My kids and I watched it this morning.
They are 10 and 9 this year.
And though it hurt to watch it and to expose my kids to such evil, they need to know what today is all about.
They need to know why we are at war, and the lengths others will go to to hurt America.
They also need to know that though they migh be afraid they still need to be strong. To go on with their day as if nothing could happen to us. Because we do live in the greatest nation on Earth. Yep we have problems and difficulties, but people still see America as a place where you can dream. A place where, if you are willing to work, you can accomplish anything.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
What I know
My hometown paper, http://www.journaltimes.com, has a blog called "mommy talk".
There is always some nifty little topic of conversation, that usually turns into a free-for-all of I'm a better mom than you. And I have come to the conclusion that I might just have all my ducks in a row when it comes to this parenting thing.
So here is the stuff I know:
There is always some nifty little topic of conversation, that usually turns into a free-for-all of I'm a better mom than you. And I have come to the conclusion that I might just have all my ducks in a row when it comes to this parenting thing.
So here is the stuff I know:
- I know that saying NO to my kids will not cause them to have low self esteem. I was told NO as a kid and I still know that I am a goddess.
- I know that kids need boundaries and rules, and that what works for my daughter may not necessarily work for my sons.
- I know that being a mom isn't easy, but if you just go with flow and pay attention to whats going on around you, you will make it through just fine.
- I know that my kids are smart and well behaved when I am around.
- I know that my kids act just as goofy, foolish, or nasty as the kids they are hanging out with when I am not around.
- I know that my kids not having the same name brand clothing as their class mates does not mean that I don't love them as much as Janies mom loves her.
- I know that chores and responsibilities are a good thing.
- I know that a runny nose does not mean that my kids is dying from some disease that will wipe out his whole class if I send him to school.
- I know that my kids do not brush their teath like they should.
- I know my daughter feels akward because she is not boy crazy like some of her friends.
- I know my oldest son will be a heartbreaker when he gets older.
- I know that I have a better chance of getting the tree in my front yard to obey then of convincing my three year old to not run in the house.
- I know that my older son is more likely to tell me whats bothering him if I am not looking at him when he talks.
- Finally, I know that the list of things I do NOT know is much longer than this one, but I know that I will figure it out as we go along.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Man, I just finished another blanket.
But my big dumb butt forgot to take a picture of it.
Its so cute. I made it for my father-in-laws birthday on the 18th.
Dad-in-law is a model train enthusiast, so the blanket has a steam engin crocheted on a field of blue. Its meant as a kids blanket, but, ya know, its cute.
I did it from a pattern in my 100 Afghans to Knit and Crochet book by Jean Leinhauser & Rita Weiss. Love this book.
Speaking of books. I just finished reading Son of a Witch by Gregory Maguire.
Its the sequel to Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West.
The book was ok, I liked Wicked better.
But my big dumb butt forgot to take a picture of it.
Its so cute. I made it for my father-in-laws birthday on the 18th.
Dad-in-law is a model train enthusiast, so the blanket has a steam engin crocheted on a field of blue. Its meant as a kids blanket, but, ya know, its cute.
I did it from a pattern in my 100 Afghans to Knit and Crochet book by Jean Leinhauser & Rita Weiss. Love this book.
Speaking of books. I just finished reading Son of a Witch by Gregory Maguire.
Its the sequel to Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West.
The book was ok, I liked Wicked better.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Woah DUDE!
A few months ago my friend Sonya was looking for crochet patterns on the web and she came across a blog she said I had to check out.
It was The Crochet Dude.
I checked it out and immediately decided that he was going on my favorites list. I look it up about every other day. He has some of THE coolest patterns, and he's so freakin' funny y'all.
My mom taught me how to crochet when I was 10, so I have been crocheting for about 20 years now (you can do the math as to how young I am). My husband calls it tying knots in string with sticks. There were a couple of years there where I did not do much because I was in the Army and stuff. But in all the years I have know how to crochet I have not got even a quarter of the skill that the Dude has. He designs his own stuff, I do most from patterns.
So it was the Dude who inspired me to do more. To learn new things. I'm dying to felt something, anything. I can't wait to get my hands on a hairpin lace loom. I even taught myself how to knit (my first attept at knitting ended up with me so frustrated I threw the knitting needles across the room, my mother then promptly confiscated them for fear that my first foray into knitting would end tragically with a manslaughter conviction). No frustration this time though! I took it slow and figured it out, at least the knit and purl stitch. I have ordered The Knitters Bible, and I can't wait for it to get here.
Anyway, today I posted pictures of some of the projects I finished this past year.
And guess what...guess who commented on my photos?!
None other than the Dude himself. He said my stuff looked fantastic.
WOOHOO!!!! I immediately got on the phone and called Sonya. I was all sorts of happy and giggely. She laughed at me but said she understood my excitement (thank God for crazy friends!).
And now I must go and work on another project. I'm knitting a simple poncho. I don't like fringe though so I think I will do a reverse single crochet around both the bottom edge and the neckline...
It was The Crochet Dude.
I checked it out and immediately decided that he was going on my favorites list. I look it up about every other day. He has some of THE coolest patterns, and he's so freakin' funny y'all.
My mom taught me how to crochet when I was 10, so I have been crocheting for about 20 years now (you can do the math as to how young I am). My husband calls it tying knots in string with sticks. There were a couple of years there where I did not do much because I was in the Army and stuff. But in all the years I have know how to crochet I have not got even a quarter of the skill that the Dude has. He designs his own stuff, I do most from patterns.
So it was the Dude who inspired me to do more. To learn new things. I'm dying to felt something, anything. I can't wait to get my hands on a hairpin lace loom. I even taught myself how to knit (my first attept at knitting ended up with me so frustrated I threw the knitting needles across the room, my mother then promptly confiscated them for fear that my first foray into knitting would end tragically with a manslaughter conviction). No frustration this time though! I took it slow and figured it out, at least the knit and purl stitch. I have ordered The Knitters Bible, and I can't wait for it to get here.
Anyway, today I posted pictures of some of the projects I finished this past year.
And guess what...guess who commented on my photos?!
None other than the Dude himself. He said my stuff looked fantastic.
WOOHOO!!!! I immediately got on the phone and called Sonya. I was all sorts of happy and giggely. She laughed at me but said she understood my excitement (thank God for crazy friends!).
And now I must go and work on another project. I'm knitting a simple poncho. I don't like fringe though so I think I will do a reverse single crochet around both the bottom edge and the neckline...
Looky what I did
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I am very proud of my daughter.
On Wednesday she got her hair cut.
Here is my girl, look at all that hair.
Brat Gurl did not just get a haircut, she decided to donate her hair to Locks of Love.
For those of you who are not familiar with Locks of Love http://www.locksoflove.org
So my beautiful baby girl gave her hair and ended up with an amazingly cute hair do, and new styling products, and a brand new hair dryer.
Here is my Brat Gurl now:

Aint she cute?!?!?!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Memorial Day

Yesterday was Memorial Day.
A day of mourning and remembrance.
We went to a neighborhood BBQ here on the Depot.
Today the Depot had its own ceremony.
They laid three wreaths, one for soldiers lost, another for veterans, and a third for depot employees who have passed away and their families. They had a prayer, sang the National Anthem, and had a color guard.
They had a flag for each service and of course the Stars and Stripes.
My friend and neighbor is holding the Navy flag, and the handsome GI in the middle holding Old Glory is none other than my hubby.
I am very proud of him.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
wednesday my brat kids and i volunteered to help out at the Army Soldier Show
they are an amazingly talented group of soldiers that sing, dance, and play instruments, all to entertain their fellow soldiers.
these are real soldiers
they have actual units that they belong to, they get to leave those unit though while they are touring with the show, every year its a new group
we were at the show hgetting people to fill out little papers for their chance to win a phone card
we were told that there would be seets saved for us, and there were,
excelent seats
the show started and i was great
about the second song one of soldiers came on stage singing I walk the Line by Johnny Cash
he was GOOD
the crowd however.....
i wanted to check for a pulse
they did nothing but polite clapping after each song
i had the honor of seeing the show at ft stewart.....we hooted and hollered and let the soldiers know that we were loving what they were doing....every high note, every note held for more than 10 seconds, every cool dance move, every silly little thing that these GIs did was met with applause and cheers
they get up and dance when the music moves the
not here
so i leaned over to my young friend sitting beside me and said we gotta wake up this crowd, get em on their feet
so as the amazing GI paused in I walk the line, i let out a loud wooooo and clapped, right during the pause
you would have thought I had stood up and screamed racial slurs at the guy,
he smiled and kept on singing, he knew the crowd was not dead
the lady next to me however crossed her arms and scooted her chair away from mine
the boy scouts a row up turned to look at me, and my young friend just laughed
the coolest thing happened though
the crowd did loosen up a bit
they clapped a bit more to the music
they cheered during an amazing cultural dance number
they laughed, and i even heard some people singing along
at the end of the show though, while the GIs were on stage catching their breath in formation
my young friend and i were on our feet clapping, and we stayed there untill everyone else was on their feet too
took em a while, but they did give those GIs their well deserved standing ovation
the boy scout mom sitting next to me though apparently did not think my having a good time and showing my support of the Soldiers amusing
she would benefit from having the rod up her backside surgically removed
damn that show was good though
they are an amazingly talented group of soldiers that sing, dance, and play instruments, all to entertain their fellow soldiers.
these are real soldiers
they have actual units that they belong to, they get to leave those unit though while they are touring with the show, every year its a new group
we were at the show hgetting people to fill out little papers for their chance to win a phone card
we were told that there would be seets saved for us, and there were,
excelent seats
the show started and i was great
about the second song one of soldiers came on stage singing I walk the Line by Johnny Cash
he was GOOD
the crowd however.....
i wanted to check for a pulse
they did nothing but polite clapping after each song
i had the honor of seeing the show at ft stewart.....we hooted and hollered and let the soldiers know that we were loving what they were doing....every high note, every note held for more than 10 seconds, every cool dance move, every silly little thing that these GIs did was met with applause and cheers
they get up and dance when the music moves the
not here
so i leaned over to my young friend sitting beside me and said we gotta wake up this crowd, get em on their feet
so as the amazing GI paused in I walk the line, i let out a loud wooooo and clapped, right during the pause
you would have thought I had stood up and screamed racial slurs at the guy,
he smiled and kept on singing, he knew the crowd was not dead
the lady next to me however crossed her arms and scooted her chair away from mine
the boy scouts a row up turned to look at me, and my young friend just laughed
the coolest thing happened though
the crowd did loosen up a bit
they clapped a bit more to the music
they cheered during an amazing cultural dance number
they laughed, and i even heard some people singing along
at the end of the show though, while the GIs were on stage catching their breath in formation
my young friend and i were on our feet clapping, and we stayed there untill everyone else was on their feet too
took em a while, but they did give those GIs their well deserved standing ovation
the boy scout mom sitting next to me though apparently did not think my having a good time and showing my support of the Soldiers amusing
she would benefit from having the rod up her backside surgically removed
damn that show was good though
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
ok, i will admit it...
my kids and i are addicted to American Idol
i even called in our vote last night, and i have never called it in before
we are so very happy that the Guy we wanted to win did indeed win, and i love his new single, cant wait for his cd to come out
not everyone in my fam is so happy about idol though
buth hubby and big bro (who lives far away from us) hate it
hubby says he now understands why terrorists hate us so much, cuz of "insane crap like idol"
i think its all harmless fun, and i will admit, i am looking forward to next season
my kids and i are addicted to American Idol
i even called in our vote last night, and i have never called it in before
we are so very happy that the Guy we wanted to win did indeed win, and i love his new single, cant wait for his cd to come out
not everyone in my fam is so happy about idol though
buth hubby and big bro (who lives far away from us) hate it
hubby says he now understands why terrorists hate us so much, cuz of "insane crap like idol"
i think its all harmless fun, and i will admit, i am looking forward to next season
Monday, May 22, 2006
silly stuff
so...I go to church
i am not the type who goes simply to teach my children, or because I feel obligated
i go because i want to, because I feel good whe i go, fulfilled,
i like it
i also like to read
and man, the da vinci code by dan brown was one heck of a good book
murder, action, suspense...my kinda read
it was good, and I cant wait to see the movie
what gets me is all the people having such a hissy over the book and movie
why is that so hard to understand
if this book, an amazing work of fiction, causes you to question your faith, then your faith was not that strong to begin with
here in PA we have people protesting at theaters, mad as hell because someone in movie, based on a work of FICTION, is saying that Jesus had been married
would that really have been such a bad thing?
I guess in the Catholic church it would be........
i am not the type who goes simply to teach my children, or because I feel obligated
i go because i want to, because I feel good whe i go, fulfilled,
i like it
i also like to read
and man, the da vinci code by dan brown was one heck of a good book
murder, action, suspense...my kinda read
it was good, and I cant wait to see the movie
what gets me is all the people having such a hissy over the book and movie
why is that so hard to understand
if this book, an amazing work of fiction, causes you to question your faith, then your faith was not that strong to begin with
here in PA we have people protesting at theaters, mad as hell because someone in movie, based on a work of FICTION, is saying that Jesus had been married
would that really have been such a bad thing?
I guess in the Catholic church it would be........
Monday, May 15, 2006
mothers day
mothers day was sunday
i was not expecting anything, because to be completely honest my last few mothers days turned out to be kinda crapy, i had too cook, the kids fighting, and no card, and no sleeping in for me
this year was much better
i slept in
hubby took care of breakfast, he bought McDonalds...lol
i got a really cute card
church was lovely
and the kids behaved better that usual
it was a good day
i was not expecting anything, because to be completely honest my last few mothers days turned out to be kinda crapy, i had too cook, the kids fighting, and no card, and no sleeping in for me
this year was much better
i slept in
hubby took care of breakfast, he bought McDonalds...lol
i got a really cute card
church was lovely
and the kids behaved better that usual
it was a good day
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
my how quickly things change
not too long ago I had to remind my kids regularly to wash their dirty hands
now they fight over who gets into the shower
gone are the days when I had to wrestle with bratgurl to get her hair out of her face
i no longer have to beg brat boy to get a hair cut that he can actually style
we now have three different forms of styling product in the kids bathroom, and my two older kids are really looking good
maybe too good.........today bratgurl (only a fourth grader) came home and told me that at an all school assembly today a sixth grader asked her out
she actually said axed me out, but i got her gist
she's only 10!!!!!!!!!!
man alive, its starting already
the good thing is, that she was grossed out by the thought
smart gurl! done mamma proud
not too long ago I had to remind my kids regularly to wash their dirty hands
now they fight over who gets into the shower
gone are the days when I had to wrestle with bratgurl to get her hair out of her face
i no longer have to beg brat boy to get a hair cut that he can actually style
we now have three different forms of styling product in the kids bathroom, and my two older kids are really looking good
maybe too good.........today bratgurl (only a fourth grader) came home and told me that at an all school assembly today a sixth grader asked her out
she actually said axed me out, but i got her gist
she's only 10!!!!!!!!!!
man alive, its starting already
the good thing is, that she was grossed out by the thought
smart gurl! done mamma proud
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
new things
Just today while on the phone with my little brother, I found out that my big brother has a blog.
I had no idea.
So I figured what the hay...lets get bloggin'.
So hmmmmm, what to write....my big bros blog is about politics and his views on things (go billy go)
but I guess I live a somewhat simpler life.
I am a stay at home mom of three. My kids are 10 (brat gurl), 9 (brat boy), and 3 (monster). I love them dearly but dude, sometimes they make me crazy.
My husband is in the Army, but only for about 6 more months. Then its buh bye ACUs, and hello business suits.... maybe. He should have his masters degree by October.
I was once a soldier and loved it, and now I am a domestic. I got all giggly when I got a new vacuum. But don't think I'm knocking the whole stay at home deal, because I do really enjoy it.
I had no idea.
So I figured what the hay...lets get bloggin'.
So hmmmmm, what to write....my big bros blog is about politics and his views on things (go billy go)
but I guess I live a somewhat simpler life.
I am a stay at home mom of three. My kids are 10 (brat gurl), 9 (brat boy), and 3 (monster). I love them dearly but dude, sometimes they make me crazy.
My husband is in the Army, but only for about 6 more months. Then its buh bye ACUs, and hello business suits.... maybe. He should have his masters degree by October.
I was once a soldier and loved it, and now I am a domestic. I got all giggly when I got a new vacuum. But don't think I'm knocking the whole stay at home deal, because I do really enjoy it.
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