I now have a shop on a web site to sell my creations.
(most of the stuff I do is designed by others and I always make a point of giving full credit to the individual who is so much more talented than me)
My stuff can be found (and purchased, hint .. hint ..) at www.amarietucker.etsy.com
My shop name is Tying Knots in String With Sticks.
I was absolutely thrilled last week to find that I had sold my very first item.
Here are a few pictures of what ya'll missed out on...
Its called Flowers for Eryn Wrap designed by Tracy St. John and the pattern can be found in the Winter 2007 Interweave Crochet magazine.
Thank you to my lovely brat gurl for modeling it for me, and thank you very much to the wonderful person in Michigan who has managed to justify my yarn stash.
I hope you love the wrap.
My newest project is to rework the pattern with crochet thread as a table runner.
So I have to run now and stress my arthritis in my hands so I can try to make something beautiful.
Wish me luck. :)